
  • 200g papri
  • 1 pack bhalla flour
  • 4 tbsp tamarind paste
  • 50g mint leaves
  • 20g coriander leaves
  • 3 onions
  • ½ tin white chickpeas
  • 500g yoghurt
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 50 ml water
  • Salt, red & black pepper as per taste
  • Oil for frying
  1. Buy papyri from Indian grocery store.
  2. Make Bhallas as per instructions on the pack of Bhalla flour.
  3. Add hot Bhalla’s in cold water to make them oil free.
  4. Beat yoghurt and divide in half.
  5. Mix Bhalla’s in yoghurt.
  6. Make mint chutney by blending mint leaves, coriander leaves, onions, 1 tsp tamarind paste, salt, red and black pepper.
  7. Make tamarind chutney by heating 2 tbsp. of tamarind paste, ½ cup of water, 2 tsp sugar, ¼ tsp salt and ¼ tsp of red and black pepper to get pouring consistency chutney.
  8. Mint chutney is made by grinding one onion, mint leaves, few coriander leaves, ½ soon tamarind paste with salt and pepper.

To make Chat Papyri

  1. Place 3-4 papyri on a plate.
  2. Add 2 Bhalla on papyri.
  3. Top up with 3-4 spoons of yoghurt.
  4. Sprinkle few chickpeas and diced onion.
  5. Garnish with one tsp of tamarind and mint chutney.
  6. Sprinkle salt and peppers.


Cooking Time (Minutes): 40

Difficulty Level: Medium

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